Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Things are moving

So yesterday I went and had my blood work done. I really have no idea what test they were doing but I know they are just the routine test to make sure I don't have any big issues other then the Infertility. It is getting really exciting because now all I have to get done now is a pap. At first my Dr couldn't see me until March 31st and that seemed so far away. So, I decided to call around and see if I could find someone who could see me sooner. Well, I was lucky and found someone to see me on Monday. After the pap Doug needs to do his blood work and then we get our donor password. Then after we have the password we can officially pick our donor. I am a little afraid that it will take a long time to get all the cycles lined up. It would be really nice to squeeze a cycle in soon before the summer.

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