Tuesday, November 18, 2008

AF already!!!

Yesterday I emailed my herbist about my low luteal phase temps. I was so positive that ovulation happened around day 14, right on time. Just a few days later my temp dropped a little bit, she thinks that the corpus luteam did fully develop. In other words it was a bad egg. So since it was a bad egg my body didn't produce the progesterone it needed to support a full luteal phase. Well this morning I took my temp and it dropped a bunch. When your temp drops like that it usually means one of two things (ovulation or AF). I was hoping it was ovulation. Well, I got to work and I found a big surprise, that I was completely unprepared for. This has been sooooo frustrating. This is the 3rd weird cycle in a row 24, 60, and 18 day cycles. What the heck is going on? So I talked to my herbist on the phone and she suggested that I get my day 3 blood work and ultra sound done. Called my RN in charge of me and asked to get blood work and ultra sound done. She gave me the go ahead!!! So it looks like Thursday getting everything checked again. I am a little afraid that my FSH is going to be high again. It hasn't been high since my second set of day 3 b/w and u/s. Please god let everything be normal!!!

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