So today I did my CD 3 b/w and u/s. Part of me was really nervous because I didn't want my FSH to be high. I was afraid if it was to high it would effect our plans for IVF in January. At the u/s my right ovary had 2 cysts (2.1cm and 2cm). The u/s tech said they were medium sized cysts. This is kinda funny, while I was being probed one of the REs from the practice came in and was looking at my u/s pics. In my left ovary they saw one follicle. I know that I do have one and possible 1 or 2 more on the other side with the cysts. I was a little disappointed.
b/w: Well as for the b/w everything came back normal except for my FSH. My FSH was a little high it was 11.5. RE said this was fine to still proceed with our plan in January. It looks like all is going to work out perfectly for IVF in January. When my period shows on Dec 17 we will start BCP on CD 5 of that cycle. Then while I am away for the holidays I am on BCPs. That would put me coming in for u/s and b/w on Jan 4th to get this cycle going. Our 5th wedding anniversary is January 3rd. I pray that this is good luck for us.
Also it looks like there is no chance for us to get pregnant this cycle. I guess it would be a good one to just enjoy. Plus this has been a wake up call for my eating habits. These next couple months I am focusing on eating dairy free, wheat free, and sugar free.
Juliet is 10weeks old today!~
11 years ago