Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Surrogacy Talk

So, I didn't plan on bringing this up to my sister K but it has been on my mind the last couple days. DH and are considering using surrogacy if this IVF doesn't work. It seems like I will have the choice between my two sisters. So I asked my sister K who just had a baby what she thought. It seems to me that should would be willing. The more I think about it the more I am OK with it. I am so ready to be a mom, I am so tired of being left out.

Well back two my two sisters K just had a baby and I wouldn't expect her to be ready for another till about Nov 09. While sister A is only 22 and has never been pregnant, I don't want to steal her 20's. Also A might be moving in with us in 2009 so it might be easier with her being here so I could watch our baby grow. Time will tell!!

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