Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Estrogen or am I Happy?

So today is the first day that I have felt truly happy in a long time. Yes, I know that sounds weird but it is true. You could say today was any normal day but I also enjoyed teaching today. For the first time in months or maybe a year I got down on the floor with my students and actually taught a lesson to my 1st and 2nd graders. I guess I wonder if it is the weight lifted off of me from the decision of donor eggs or the estrogen that I am taking for my mock cycle. Yesterday at acupuncture we were discussing the different fake hormones and my acupuncturist said that most people are happier on estrogen.

DH and I had some nice time together today also. I have realized that sex has taken a whole new meaning now. There is pretty much no chance of natural conception for us. So the whole reason for me having sex since I was a little kid was to have babies. How weird that won't ever happen? It is like all the presure for sex is gone it is now just about DH and I. Who knew? It is just such a weird concpet to me. I have to thank my very concervative parents for instilling there christain values so well, that sex equals babies. Now for us it doesn't equal babies it has to do with the depth of our relationship. I have to say today I feel closer to DH then I have ever felt. I know of many husbands who would tell their wives no to the idea of donor eggs but mine all he says "I want you to be happy!" Thank you DH for being the best ever and supporting me where ever this journey takes us!!!

1 comment:

Kitty said...

I'm so glad yesterday was such a good day and I hope it continues. I imagine a lot of weight has been lifted in more than 1 area. So good for you to already see the benefits! I'm so happy for you! You deserve to be happy! Have a good night! Kitty :)